Cancel Tee Time Booking

Effective December 13, 2020, Tee Time reservations for the coming week will be as follows: 

Monday at 12nn : Tee time booking for Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday at 12nn : Tee time booking for Thursday and Friday

Wednesday at 12nn : Tee Time booking for Saturday, Sunday and Monday Holidays

Please check Notices in case date or time has changed when a booking date is a Holiday.


  1. Starting November 23, 2021: Tuesday to Fridays : One (1) Member can bring max Three (3 ) guests
  2. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays : One ( 1 ) Member can bring One ( 1 ) Guest before 10 am / after 10 am One (1) Member can bring max 3 guests
  3. Solo and twosomes are allowed after 9:00 am on Weekends and Holidays with Tee Time Reservations. 
  4. Solo and twosome are allowed anytime during Weekdays with Tee Time Reservation
  5. No double booking of tee time until further notice. 
  6. Maximum 4 players per flight
  7. Golf Club operation hours: 6 am to 8 pm with option to close earlier in case there are no more players by 6 pm. Last order is at 7:15 pm.
  8. Please cancel Tee Time Reservation 24 hours before your tee time. Php 3000 penalty applies for non cancellation.
  9. PRO FOR THE DAY : Free golf lessons every Saturday from 7 am to 11 am at the Driving Range
  10. PROSHOP operating hours are from 6 am to 5 pm

To cancel your booking, please enter the following information:

Reference Number:  
Membership ID Number: